All Robots
FollowBotThis was my first robot. A remote control car and some simple electronics acting as a primitive sensor.
TetherBotThis robot was the begining of my love and facination with robotics. Here I learned the power of hacking a servo, building my own sensors, and programming and controlling it via PC.
This robot is also featured at Robots.Net. Retired
Baby Joe 1For this robot I wanted it to be controlled via a MicroController. I choose the Parallax Basic Stamp 2. I used much of the same parts from the previous robot (TetherBot) but purchased some additional hardware for this chassis.
This robot is also featured at Robots.Net. Retired
Feynman1This was my first PC Robot. Here I had real sonars, real motors, real processing power!
This robot is also featured at Robots.Net. Retired
Feynman2This is the same robot as Feynman 1, but I have modified the chassis. The chassis gave me a little more control over the sonar and provided better proximity detection with the bumpers and Sharp IR sensors.
StanSome guys at work were running around the parking lot with these little plastic cars. So one week-end I decided to modify Feynman into and Battle Bot minus the weapon.
This bot actually moved about as fast in the short term as the cars. I did run over one but because of the STAR design of the robot I found it quite limited and poor to maneuver. Something I would correct in later robots. Retired
RoveyThis is a robot that I did for a COSI training session. I had students login to my website and then control the robot from the internet. It consist of a pan & tilt camera, and an SSC Servo Controller tethered to a power supply and a serial port since it was on 24/7.
This robot is also featured at Robots.Net. Retired
FoursI built this with some extra parts from CubeBot. He is powered by 4 AA batteries and an 9V battery for the CubeBot controller board. I put an SRF-04 Sonar on him so he could avoid things as he moved around. But that's all he really did.
Feynman5This is the robot I used for my book. It has pretty much the same components as Feynman3, but is smaller and is more stable.
Feynman6I have decided to create Feynman6 and retire Feynman5. This robot will be taller, have more 80/20 and less wires via a new distribution board with onboard carrier for a BS2.
CarnotThis will a test platform for Feynman. The main reason for his creation is power supply issues and transportation issues with the current version of Feynman.
There are also several problems with the supported Java APIs, mainly sun has abandon them: Java Communications and Java Media Framework. Active
Feynman JrA smaller faster lighter version of Feynman6. Same great software, same cool functionality, just in a smaller package and much, much faster... Retired
CRaBThis is a robot I created for the CRB (Columbus Ruby Brigade). It demon-straits some of the basic robotic principles: movement and visual recognition. Active
Feynman 7This is an upgrade form Feynman 6, it is still in progress but contains 2 eyes and an arm. Active
Feynman Jr. 2An upgraded refined version of Feynman Jr. The goal of Jr. #2 is to follow me around. Active